Take-Home Pay Calculator

Work out how much you really earn

This Take-Home Pay Calculator calculates how much of your salary you will take home after Tax, National Insurance, Student Loans and more.

Enter Salary:

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Student Loan type: Plan 1 - Your course started before 1 September 2012
Plan 2 - Your course started after 1 September 2012
Pension contributions:
Yearly Take-Home Pay: £0.00

For more information on Income Tax and Personal Allowances, visit the HMRC Website.

To learn more about Student Loan Repayments, Interest Rates, or the difference between Repayment Plans 1 and 2, please visit the Student Loans Company Website.

Note: This tool, while a good estimate in most cases, only takes into account a few variables. If in doubt, check your Tax Code on your payslip and call the Tax Office, or check your Income Tax online.